Massage Services


Regular massages can promote relaxation, reduce muscle tension, and improve circulation. They may also help alleviate stress, enhance flexibility, and contribute to overall well-being by releasing endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals.


The choice between medication and massage therapy depends on the cause and severity of your body aches. Medication can provide quick relief for pain, but it often addresses symptoms rather than underlying issues. Massage therapy, on the other hand, may offer holistic benefits, promoting relaxation and addressing muscular tension.

For chronic issues or underlying conditions, consulting a healthcare professional is essential to determine the most appropriate course of action, which may include a combination of medication and complementary therapies like massage.

"Discover the difference at our establishment – come visit us and experience unparalleled expertise. You'll be delighted you did, as we take pride in knowing exactly what we're doing. Your satisfaction is our commitment."


Insomnia, Massage to improve sleep. 


Millions of people nowadays are suffering from insomnia and sleep problems. And we know that lack of sleep is a cause of fast aging, mood disorders and chronic fatigue. 

After many seminars on Sleep Restoration with Physical therapy and Reflex therapy we are offering a signature massage technique of massage therapy for insomnia and other sleep problems. 

Here the short video presentation 


Please schedule an appointment with us today. 


Massage for back pain. 


Massage for back pain works by targeting tense muscles, improving blood flow, and promoting relaxation. The therapist uses various techniques to release muscle knots and reduce tension. This can increase flexibility, alleviate pain, and enhance the overall well-being of your back muscles. Additionally, massage stimulates the release of endorphins, natural painkillers that contribute to a sense of relief. Regular sessions may help manage chronic back pain and improve the overall health of your back muscles.


Massage therapy can be beneficial for alleviating Neck Pain through several mechanisms:


1. **Muscle Relaxation:**

   - Massage helps to relax tense muscles in the neck and shoulders. It reduces muscle tightness, spasms, and stiffness, promoting increased flexibility and range of motion.


2. **Improved Blood Circulation:**

   - The kneading and stroking actions of massage increase blood flow to the targeted area. Improved circulation helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to muscles, facilitating healing and reducing inflammation.


3. **Release of Endorphins:**

   - Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. These chemicals help reduce pain perception and create a sense of well-being.


4. **Reduction of Trigger Points:**

   - Trigger points, or knots in muscles, are common sources of neck pain. Massage therapy can help release these trigger points, relieving localized pain and discomfort.


5. **Enhanced Joint Mobility:**

   - Through specific techniques, massage can improve joint mobility and reduce stiffness. This is particularly beneficial for those experiencing neck pain due to restricted movement.


6. **Improved Posture Awareness:**

   - Massage therapy can enhance awareness of body posture. Therapists often provide guidance on maintaining better posture, which can contribute to long-term relief from neck pain.


7. **Stress Reduction:**

   - Neck pain is often associated with stress and tension. Massage promotes relaxation and reduces stress levels, which can indirectly contribute to the alleviation of neck pain.


8. **Decreased Nerve Compression:**

   - For some individuals, neck pain may be related to nerve compression. Massage techniques can help reduce pressure on nerves, providing relief from associated pain and discomfort.


It's essential to note that the effectiveness of massage therapy for neck pain may vary from person to person. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable to determine the underlying cause of the neck pain and to develop an appropriate treatment plan, which may include massage therapy as part of a comprehensive approach.


Massage therapy can be beneficial for relieving Joint Pain through various mechanisms:


1. **Increased Blood Circulation:**

   - Massage promotes improved blood flow to the joints, which helps enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. This increased circulation can contribute to joint health and reduce inflammation.


2. **Muscle Relaxation:**

   - By addressing tight and tense muscles surrounding the joints, massage helps reduce muscle spasms and stiffness. Relaxing the muscles can alleviate pressure on the joints, providing relief from pain.


3. **Release of Endorphins:**

   - Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. These chemicals not only reduce pain perception but also create a sense of relaxation and well-being.


4. **Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion:**

   - Massage techniques, including stretching and mobilization, can enhance joint flexibility and improve the range of motion. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions like arthritis.


5. **Reduced Inflammation:**

   - Massage may help reduce inflammation in and around the joints. While it may not directly treat the underlying cause of joint inflammation, it can provide relief from pain and discomfort associated with inflammatory conditions.


6. **Breakdown of Adhesions and Scar Tissue:**

   - Over time, joints may develop adhesions or scar tissue, limiting movement and causing pain. Massage techniques, such as deep tissue massage, can help break down these adhesions, improving joint mobility.


7. **Improved Synovial Fluid Circulation:**

   - Synovial fluid lubricates the joints, and massage can help stimulate its circulation. Improved synovial fluid flow contributes to joint lubrication and reduces friction, leading to greater comfort.


8. **Stress Reduction:**

   - Joint pain is often aggravated by stress and tension. Massage therapy induces relaxation and reduces stress levels, creating a positive impact on joint pain.


It's important to note that the effectiveness of massage for joint pain can vary based on the underlying cause of the pain. Before seeking massage therapy, individuals with joint pain should consult with a healthcare professional to identify the specific cause of their discomfort and ensure that massage is a suitable complementary approach. Additionally, a qualified massage therapist can tailor the treatment to address individual needs and conditions.


Massage can be a complementary approach to addressing the appearance of CELLULITE, although it's essential to understand that massage alone may not provide a permanent solution. Here are ways in which massage may help with cellulite:


1. **Improved Circulation:**

   - Massage increases blood circulation, which may help reduce fluid retention and improve the removal of toxins from the affected areas. Enhanced circulation can contribute to a more even distribution of fat deposits.


2. **Lymphatic Drainage:**

   - Certain massage techniques, such as lymphatic drainage massage, aim to stimulate the lymphatic system. This can assist in the removal of excess fluid and waste products, potentially reducing the appearance of cellulite.


3. **Breakdown of Fibrous Bands:**

   - Cellulite is often characterized by fibrous bands that connect the skin to underlying tissues, creating dimpled or lumpy areas. Massage, particularly deep tissue or myofascial release techniques, may help break down these bands and promote smoother skin.


4. **Stimulation of Collagen Production:**

   - Massage can stimulate collagen production, which plays a role in maintaining skin elasticity. Improved skin elasticity may contribute to a reduction in the visible signs of cellulite.


5. **Tissue Mobilization:**

   - Massage techniques that involve kneading, rolling, or skin rolling may help mobilize tissues and promote a more uniform appearance. This can be particularly beneficial in areas prone to cellulite.


6. **Relaxation and Stress Reduction:**

   - Stress is believed to contribute to the development and exacerbation of cellulite. Massage induces relaxation and reduces stress levels, potentially influencing the appearance of cellulite over time.


7. **Enhanced Product Penetration:**

   - When combined with topical treatments or creams, massage can help enhance the penetration of active ingredients into the skin, potentially improving the effectiveness of anti-cellulite products.


While massage may offer temporary improvements in the appearance of cellulite, maintaining these benefits often requires ongoing sessions. Additionally, a holistic approach that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, and hydration is crucial for addressing cellulite comprehensively.


Individual results may vary, and it's advisable to consult with a qualified massage therapist or healthcare professional to discuss realistic expectations and create a personalized plan tailored to individual needs and preferences.


Massage therapy can be beneficial for various types of MUSCLE INJURIES by promoting healing, reducing pain, and enhancing flexibility. Here are ways in which massage helps with muscle injuries:


1. **Improved Blood Circulation:**

   - Massage increases blood flow to the injured area, which helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. This improved circulation promotes the healing of damaged tissues.


2. **Reduction of Inflammation:**

   - Massage can help reduce inflammation by promoting lymphatic drainage and decreasing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This is particularly beneficial for acute injuries with swelling.


3. **Pain Relief:**

   - Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. This can help alleviate pain associated with muscle injuries, providing comfort to the individual.


4. **Breakdown of Scar Tissue:**

   - For chronic injuries or overuse conditions, massage techniques such as deep tissue massage can help break down scar tissue and adhesions, promoting improved muscle function and flexibility.


5. **Muscle Relaxation:**

   - Massage helps relax tense and spasmodic muscles. This can be beneficial for muscle injuries where muscle tightness and stiffness contribute to discomfort.


6. **Improved Range of Motion:**

   - By working on muscle and connective tissue, massage can enhance flexibility and joint range of motion. This is important for rehabilitation after a muscle injury.


7. **Enhanced Recovery:**

   - Massage can accelerate the recovery process by reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. Athletes often use massage as part of their recovery routine to expedite healing after intense physical activity.


8. **Increased Tissue Elasticity:**

   - Massage helps improve the elasticity of muscle tissues, preventing stiffness and reducing the risk of further injuries.


9. **Release of Trigger Points:**

   - Trigger points, or muscle knots, can contribute to pain and dysfunction. Massage techniques can target and release these trigger points, addressing localized pain.


10. **Promotion of Relaxation and Stress Reduction:**

    - Stress and tension can exacerbate muscle injuries. Massage induces relaxation, reducing stress levels and creating an environment conducive to healing.


It's important to note that the type and intensity of massage should be tailored to the specific nature and stage of the muscle injury. Consulting with a qualified massage therapist or healthcare professional is advisable to ensure that the massage approach aligns with the individual's condition and contributes to a safe and effective rehabilitation process.


Massage therapy can be highly effective for STRESS REDUCTION, providing both physical and mental relaxation. Here are ways in which massage helps alleviate stress:


1. **Relaxation Response:**

   - Massage activates the body's relaxation response, which counteracts the stress-induced "fight or flight" response. This leads to a reduction in stress hormones such as cortisol and an increase in feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.


2. **Muscle Relaxation:**

   - The physical manipulation of muscles during a massage helps release tension and promotes muscle relaxation. This can significantly reduce the physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle tightness and discomfort.


3. **Improved Sleep Quality:**

   - Regular massage has been shown to improve sleep quality. Quality sleep is essential for overall well-being and is often compromised during periods of stress.


4. **Reduced Anxiety:**

   - Massage therapy has been linked to decreased levels of anxiety. The calming effects of massage contribute to a sense of tranquility and peace, reducing anxious thoughts and feelings.


5. **Lower Blood Pressure:**

   - Massage has been associated with a temporary decrease in blood pressure. This effect contributes to the overall relaxation response, helping individuals manage stress-related hypertension.


6. **Release of Endorphins:**

   - Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. These neurochemicals create a sense of well-being and act as natural painkillers.


7. **Improved Mood:**

   - Massage has a positive impact on mood and emotional well-being. The soothing touch and relaxation induced by massage contribute to an uplifted mood and reduced feelings of stress.


8. **Mind-Body Connection:**

   - Massage encourages awareness of the mind-body connection. By focusing on the physical sensations during a massage, individuals can become more mindful and present, reducing mental stress.


9. **Enhanced Circulation:**

   - The improved blood circulation resulting from massage helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, promoting overall health and contributing to stress reduction.


10. **Stress-Reduction Hormones:**

    - Massage has been shown to increase the production of hormones such as oxytocin, which is associated with bonding and stress reduction.


11. **Time for Self-Care:**

    - Scheduling a massage provides dedicated time for self-care. This intentional break from daily stressors allows individuals to prioritize their well-being.


It's important to note that the benefits of massage for stress relief can vary from person to person. Regular sessions, along with other stress management practices, may be most effective in maintaining a balanced and stress-free lifestyle. Consulting with a qualified massage therapist can help tailor the massage experience to individual needs and preferences.




Numerous procedures exist in the field of preventive and rehabilitative medicine, many of which utilize ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and mechanical interventions. However, among these modalities, massage stands out as the most effective for recovery and rehabilitation. While there are various massage techniques, chiropractic patients seldom experience the anticipated effects. We've developed a highly effective massage method that empowers patients in their healing process. Through a computer-connected system, we monitor the massage's impact on a chart. Massage therapists now have an excellent opportunity to earn 24 CEUs for just $300 at our massage and biofeedback school.


Explore our Continuing Education Class for Massage Therapists: [Click here] to enroll in a course offering 24 CEUs for $300.

Massage CE provider Illinois 20570 N Milwaukee Ave Deerfield IL 60015

Tel: 224 388 0928



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