Massage and Autism

For instant Massage and Autism

Massage is a unique tool in the healing of many diseases. The average human body contains about 11 liters of interstitial fluid, which has its own unique pattern of circulation, creating the conditions for production of local hormone-like factors that are critical in normal physiology. Almost all diseases begin with the failure of the normal circulation of the fluid, even a simple cold. The parasympathetic nervous system is not only a source of intestinal motility and ureter, but the movement of interstitial fluid. We all know the imbalance of nervous system  is the cause of all diseases. With the proper massage techniques, with a gradual and step by step using the periosteal and myofascial massage from one hand  and increase the circulation of this fluid on the other hand, we can significantly improve the condition of patients with many diseases, including autism, when production of cateholamines proportionally dominates the production of melatonin, and as we know the massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, the effect will be significant. The only key is a special individual approach to the patient. There have been many experiments of using massage to patients of autism with positive results, I am sure you are aware of this.

22 Aug 2012