Massage therapy technique for productive sleep restoration.

The lack of sleep affects around 60% of the working population. After all, today's rate of average person's activity has increased several times. Our nervous system operates on the edge of its physiological capacity. Android phones, computers and televisions drain brain energy dramatically and it is unlikely that we will sleep productively. Even the American Health Organizations says that our generation will live much shorter than the previous one, can be just because of lack of productive sleep. Well, I have, of course, affected by this problem too. And I have realized that state of chronic sleep deprivation is a reduction of all human's functions during the day, is the lack of the joy of life, the gradual loss of memory, in general, it's just awful, especially when you trying hard to get sleep in but you cannot. I began to see what is really going on to be in this condition. So, my dear readers, the basic problem of sleeplessness is the muscle contraction of the eye muscles such as intraocular smooth muscle and extraocular cross-striped muscles. The fact is that when we are active, both in terms of the movement of the body and eyes, and during reasoning and thinking with eyes closed, we constantly use the eye muscles, those muscles are not only for direct view, but they also provide accommodation and focus of view, that is, changing the curvature of both the crystal lens of inner eye and the eyeball itself to keep focus the imaging from distant to near objects and vice versa. So, when our eye muscles lose elasticity with age and can not self-recover, is not only senile vision changes into farsightedness, but sleep problems. Since normal sleep starts when the brain is gradual getting into every four stages of sleep, important at REM moments physiological eyeballs roll up and their look must accommodate the maximum of the dark veil before the eye where images are formed for the night-dream that is the sole cause of REM sleep. After REM sleep, the brain has to fall into deep slow waves sleep, where complete recovery of the brain and body takes place. But often, instead of falling into the slow phase of sleep, people with insomnia wake up, because eye muscles can not relax to the extent necessary for eye balls rolling up and be in deep sleep, for only in that eyes position brain is ready to "shut down". But when muscles are not relaxed and person with closed eyes still is looking in front of him that distracts his mind, and being in state of active eyes when thinking and reasoning are taking place then insomnia occurs..

Nothing replaces sleep. If you consciously put yourself in sleep deprivation, you do not give the brain to work at full, and the body to recover.
Lack of sleep is an obstacle between you and health and productivity. So get productive sleep.

So we developed a special technique that will help you recover productive sleep in a few weeks. Of course the results are different for each of us, but most importantly, we have found the one of the root causes of insomnia for many. Our technique is based on a point pressure and overall impact on certain areas of the head and body. The goal of our technology, relax the eye muscle system. In addition, we are working with the muscles responsible for thought processes. We also use biofeedback to determine the efficiency of therapy.

About the Brain and It's Recovery in Sleep.
The brain is a source of the functioning of the body. Absolutely all physiological processes of the body controlled by the brain. A lot of researches done in the study of brain function and its' physiology. Analysis of all the works of modern scholars on the brain leads to this conclusion: Brain absorbs the most energy and blood in the human body, exceeding other organs in this indicator in about five times. Brain burns energy of about 300 - 500 calories per day and if we consider that the weight of the brain is only 2 % of body weight, it is a huge figure. From this it is clear that the brain tissues are getting heated during the day and a study of Medical Neuro Doctors can conclude that brain temperature is a significant factor affecting the productive activity of the brain. The higher the temperature, the higher the pressure within the cranial, the more the braking of the basic functions of the brain. It can be compared with the process of egg protein denaturation during slight heating. Therefore, the reason the brain is the biggest blood absorber is to decrease in brain temperature with its' cooling blood sinuses and cavities. At the optimum temperature of the brain produced the optimum amount of hormones and neurotransmitters, when the body works as a precisely tuned mechanism. But when the brain is overheated and the production of hormones is not balanced, the person begins aging and acquiring certain diseases .
In fact, human life is an existence of the brain and we can safely say that life is manifested in the golden ball of the brain and the silver column of spinal cord, and everything else is just meat and bones. The brain controls not only biomechanical but the biochemical functions of the body. Absolutely all brain hormones are a beginning of all important biochemical chains of metabolism. To name just some of them Vasopressin, Melatonin, ACTH, the most important group of Vaso- active Intestinal Peptides , Follicle-stimulating hormone, Dopamine, Somatotropin, Prolactin and others. Without these hormones life is impossible. If its production is limited in the brain and hormones are produced in a disorderly manner and disproportionate in relation to each other, we are seeing the manifestation of disease and rapid aging.

From the above said, we see that the state of the brain is a key indicator of health of the human body. Today we're watching the over our body, trying to treat metabolic disorders with different pills, even go to see surgery Doctors, but we have forgotten that the cause of everything that happens to us is a state of our brain. Therefore, by balancing and restoring the function of the brain we can allow our body to heal many ailments. We can even slow aging.
Normally during day time, the brain tissue is heated and intracranial pressure rises. It creates a hostile environment for brain function and complete brain activity inhibition comes, man falls into a healthy and productive sleep. Normally during night time brain produces the most powerful anti-oxidant and anti-aging hormone melatonin, which neutralizes free radicals (potential carcinogens and aggressors for metabolism) and the person wakes up refreshed and ready for any life events. Unfortunately after a certain age, this process will never happen, because Melatonin is no longer produced in the right quantity and the person wakes up with a heavy head and aged more than yesterday.

To stop the process of aging and disease generation we need to know how to restore the brain activity and its functions. The main indicator of congestion of the brain is a production of large number of destructive hormones  of sympathetic and epynephretic systems. In our center we have developed physiotherapy and manual therapy technique with the use of biofeedback for monitoring the function of the central nervous system. Using this method we can see the dynamics of the treatment and what we need to enhance to achieve a maximum result and thereby restore the brain capacity of self-rehabilitation. Brain recover itself only during productive sleep.

With each session the client sees a change in the function of the central nervous system on the chart and gradually his body enters a productive sleep. Afterall we all know that only one normal sleep will replace thousands of pills. And each of us in certain age dreams about such a good sleep. Come to our clinic and we will help you get back on the path of true healing.
Hurry and sign up for therapy sessions, as places are limited.
Conducted by Dr. Izzatov, Massage therapist with 23 years of experience, founder of the Massage School and Body Work Tyan Anmo, author of "The New Era of Massage Technology"


5 Jun 2015