Why do animals do not go to gym, and are always strong, but people always need to maintain muscle mass to be strong and vigorous?

This little article is very informative, how our nervous system actually keeps us weaker. Our students of continuing education in massage therapy are actually will learn this thru biofeedback.

 Why do animals do not go to gym, and  are always strong, but people always need to maintain muscle mass to be strong and vigorous? Many animals are not trained, do not jog in the morning, and so on. But they are always in shape. Elephant for example eats half of the day and sleeps another half of the day, as well as horses or cows, but when needed can lift as much weight as they weigh plus double more. Yes, and their muscle mass is not on the proteins and they do not take steroids. We, the people have to constantly go to the gym to be fit to lift at least half of our weight, and even a third. Why this injustice? The answer is very simple, people nervous mass is proportionally to the mass of the nervous system of an animals several times more, so as many times we are weaker than animals. Therefore, all the diseases of animals mainly from a bad meal or lack of it, but peoples' diseases mostly from nerves. Technique Tyan Anmo based on the work of nerves, that is to bring all nerve impulses to the balance between the right and left, as well as the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.23378353-285955384.jpg

10 Aug 2012