Why if you do not wash feet and hands, feet will stink, but hands will not?


Why if you do not wash feet and hands, feet will stink, but hands will not?
The answer quite simple, because your arms and hands are growing from your chest, and legs and feet from the ass ... Funny?
Indeed, as we know from the philosophy of Tyan Anmo there is constant struggle between the sweet precious juices and the putrid juices in the body. Precious juices formed in the bones and lungs, and rotten hotbed of putrid juices in the bottom of the intestinal tract and stagnant areas. The lower part of the intestine is in the pelvic cavity, so everything below the navel is considered unclean. Meat-eaters are not recommended to eat unclean meat of the hind legs or pelvic area of animal, as the risk of heart disease, cancer and psychiatric disorders is increasing dramatically in this case. The Tyan Anmo pays great time working with the sacred bone (sacral bone is translated as sacred), you must actively extrude stagnant fluid from the tissue and update them with fresh one, neutralizing the source of putrid juices.

More information on this knowledge of massage and nutrition you can obtain at our continuing education classes in Illinois Buffalo Grove.

8 Aug 2012